One Mustard Seed

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in the field, which indeed is the least of all seed; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches. Matthew 13:31-32

According to this passage of scripture, one mustard seed once planted can grow to become one of the biggest and most beautiful trees.  Just one small seed; also considered the least of all seeds…. 

That is exactly what happened in my life 37 years ago. When visiting Church on the Way, Pastor Jack Hayford offered that mustard seed to me through the salvation message. When I chose to receive it,  the Lord planted it in my heart. 

Immediately after being planted the seed went what appeared to be dormant. For the next 5 to 6 years, it bore little if any noticeable growth.   Then, as I planned my way and the Lord directed my steps, that  mustard seed was watered and began to SPROUT!

New growth beganto appear slowly, day by day, month by month, and year by year. Now 37 years later that seed that was so tenderly and lovingly planted by the Lover of my Soul, has become  a tree of righteousness for the praise of His glory!

I have found through the years both in my live of others, We do our part, and He does His.  Often times it takes wisdom to know the difference. Presuming to fulfill God’s part does not truly assist in growth, but can actually thwart the process. 

The older I become, I realize the message  He is speaking to me more times than not is, Hands Off!  We and others are in the making, but as the scriptures remind us, The Lord is making us. And make us He does.  In His own unique way and perfect timing, He restores, delivers, and loves us to new life and growth.

Our part is to plant that mustard seed when God calls us to c0-partner with Him.  Then…….to nurture it through our prayers. But to always, Let Go and Let God be the gardener  that tends the plant, which He is soo faithful to do. My life is living proof, as I am sure of yours is too!

~The Quilted Poetess

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