Gate of Thanksgiving

Today, the Lord’s Day, I was up and awake before the dawn.  As I sat in my prayer chair reading a small devotional by Graham Cooke called, The Nature of  God, I was encouraged to write a psalm of Thanksgiving.  This idea has been on my mind for quite some time. 

Recently, while taking walks at the ocean, I was reminded of the simple pleasures I am blessed with daily that I don’t even think about.  They have become such common day experiences for me, I kinda just expect them and not often enough, stop and reflect with thanksgiving on the blessing they are in enhancing both the quality and comfort of my life.

Things such as a cool breeze on my cheek, a sunrise to begin my day, air conditioning in the hot, heated days in Redding, clean air to breathe, fresh ice-cold water to drink, a body that is healthy and can walk and move quite easily to enjoy my surroundings.

Another area I seem to just “take for granted” at times are the relationships I have.  It is the tremendous blessing to have both a husband who adores and provides for me, and two healthy grown-up kids, who also appreciate and love me.  Quality time and the affection of both family and friends is another huge gift I relish.

The comfort of a “comfort”able home to live and dwell, a “comfort”able car to drive,  “comfort”able chairs to sit in, a “comfort”able bed to sleep in reminds me that my God of comfort, lavishes me with comfort in many ways.

The list could go on and on and on an on…………………………..but as I close, I know without a doubt the thing I am most thankful for is my relationship with Him.  Lord, You are more special to me than simple pleasures, more special to me than any relationship I cherish, and more comforting to me than any of the “comforts” you bless my life with.  You are my bread of life that nourishes my soul, my living well that refreshes me so, the Lover and Friend, when life takes its toll, and my Healer and Deliverer that makes my life whole.  Today, I enter the gate of Your presence with thanksgiving in my heart.  It is soft, pliable and my mind and spirit are reflecting on the ALL You are and the ALL that You give to me, morning by morning. GREAT is Your Faithfulness!

-The Quilted Poetess

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