I Will Follow

Where You go I’ll go…..When You stay, I’ll stay…..When You move, I’ll move…..I will followYou………..Who You love, I’ll love…..How You serve, I’ll serve…..If this life I loose, I will follow……………lyrics from Chris Tomlin’s song, I will Follow

Recently, while driving through town I’ve been hearing this song play over and over again on K-LOVE. The lyrics remind me of something I’d like to share about today; the importance of  engaging our will in the spiritually empowered life. Choosing to act upon what He shows or speaks to us by becoming doers With God, is the key to living the spiritually empowered life, because as I’ve said before, we ARE His conduits to touch this world with His kingdom. 

The question we need to ask ourselves is, Will we obey by following? This decision is made numerous times throughout our day in both small and large ways.  Sometimes His gentle nudge beckons us and the choice to follow a simple act of obedience, while at other times it can become quite a challenge; depending on what He’s asking and the sacrifice we might need to make to obey.

Will it be required for us to move out of our comfort zone?  Not always, but often times I would say the answer is YES.  It is not always comfortable to follow where He leads us to love, serve or minister. That is one important reason we need to settle the issue AHEAD of time- so when the call comes, we have already made up our minds that our answer is going to be a resounding YES!

In 2 Corinthians 2:14, the Apostle Paul says, But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.  When I choose to follow His lead, He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Himself everywhere!  It’s a heavenly spiritual fragrance like nothing we’ve every smelled before on earth, tantalizing the spiritual senses with the smell of LIFE like no other.  We as His righteous image bearers, bestow this blessing to the world around us when we choose to follow His lead.  Beloved Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad!  Song of Solomon 4:16

 -The Quilted Poetess

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