Archive for June 2010

A Child’s Canvas Creation

June 30, 2010

close your Eyes, relax, sit back,

make a Wish upon a Star,

as you do, your Mood will stir,

swirling Thoughts brought from afar.

you’ll go Places never traveled,

and see Sights, not yet seen,

savoring Times, you haven’t spent,

and meet People, not yet met.

excerpt from A Child’s Canvas Creation

Last night, I attended the  Children’s Writing group at church.  I  met some of the most amazingly people, who shared their creative projects that have been downloaded to them from the heart and mind of God.  As each one spoke, their eyes lit up, their voices softened, and their words were full of hope, anticipation and enthusiasm for the incredible “creations” they had co-partnered with the Lord to create. My heart and spirit soared as I listened with thoughtful expectation, hanging on each word, as well as visually feasting on the illustrations they shared.

As no two snowflakes are alike, each of us is so unique in what we create, and how we express the creations that have been planted in our imagination and spirit.  It makes for a very refreshing and interesting world.  No two authors or artists are the same in their expression of ushering the Kingdom of heaven to earth.  God, the Ultimate Creator, never stamps out cookie cutter designs in His Image.  He is big; so big that the intricate fingerprints we each place on the  canvas of this world, have a unique signature of their own.  For that I am thankful!  

Today, celebrate with me the diversity of your unique creativeness, which was handcrafted from the Great  Creator Himself.  Relish in realizing what you create is a beautiful reflection of the mingling of Him, yourself, bringing a message of encouragement, enlightenment and enjoyment to all those around you.  Take a risk and step out and color outside the lines of the acceptable and status quo. Reach for the stars and in doing so, you will bring His light into someone’s dimly lit room.  Let your light of creativity shine!

-The Quilted Poetess

In the Cool of the Morn

June 29, 2010


In the Stillness of the Cool of the Morn,

I come to You, my precious Everything;

To spend priceless moments of Intimacy,

Where You walk and talk with me.

We gleefully Play, chat and discuss what may,

Whatever Thoughts my heart and spirit does say;

And as I Dialogue and converse with You,

My longing heart is drawn to;

Your gentle Voice leading me the Way.

excerpt from The Cool of the Morn

As of late, I have really looked forward to the cool of the morn.  Recently, it has been piping HOT here in Redding. The temperatures have  been rising to as high as 102 degrees.  If I am up EARLY, and I mean EARLY, I can sit in my favorite recliner, with a cup of coffee, and enjoy an early morning cool, gentle, breeze blowing through the open window directly behind me.  It is such a quiet, calm, soothing time; and to be honest, one I look forward to each morning. 

In the book of Genesis, when God created Adam and Eve,  He gave them the most incredible habitat to dwell in; the garden if Eden.  There in that luscious environment of beauty, not only did they enjoy the sights and tastes of the garden, but sweet, sweet fellowship with the God of Creation. He would come and walk and talk with them, as a best friend would do with us.  I am sure it was a very fulfilling and pleasurable blessing for both of them, and something they looked forward to each morning with delight.

The great news is we too, can meet to spend precious moments with Him and chat about whatever is on our heart and mind.  Not only does He intently listen, but He speaks back; giving us comfort, direction, power, love, whatever our need is for the moment.  He is available in the cool of the morn, but also, 24/7 to walk and talk with us.  What a precious gift!  Thank you Lord for truly being our dearest, most intimate BEST friend, and Lover of our Souls.


June 28, 2010

No matter the season, challenge or test,

you’re faced with, confused by or perplexed,

He’s in control, so do take rest;

His grace is sufficient, His power unending,

for all your tomorrows, new seasons He’s sending.

-excerpt from Seasons

God’s timing; I know sometimes it is SOO different from my own.  For instance, yesterday, Phil and I came home from church, had a bite to eat, and then it was off to the lake for a day of fun in the sun, and of course, FISHING, for that husband of mine.  You know the saying, “A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work,” and come rain or shine, fishing is Phil’s passion! 

Well, we arrived at the boat ramp at 1:00 p.,m., which was nice and early for a change, but lo and behold, once our boat was launched in the water, the motor would not start. After many attempts and myself praying under my breath to the God who created the Universe to PLEASE do a miracle; to no avail, it was out of the water for our boat and back home.  We put the boat’s  battery on the charger for 1 hour, and  then at about 3:00 p.m., decided to head back to the lake. 

This time, all went well and the engine started right up to a nice hum when launched.  Then, it was over to our favorite swimming hole to first be refreshed, before throwing that line in the water for the  BIG catch.  You see, normally, I would not call it the BIG catch, as although Phil has caught many a fish here on Shasta Lake, there has  never been literally a BIG catch. Normally, many small fish bite; which he often releases back into the lake waters.  Occasionally one will belly up,  but no need to fret, for according to the food chain in no time, a beautiful bald eagle crosses our path and swoops down to capture it for a tasty meal. Now what a feast for the  eyes that is to see! 

But back to  my story; well you see, this TIME when the  fishing line began to bob, and I mean BOB, Phil jumped up, began reeling in and said, “This is a fighter!” again, and again, and again. Then, “Get the net!”  and net did I get. With barely enough time to dip it in the water, the BIGGEST salmon Phil had ever caught in these waters emerged before our very eyes!!!!!  He was ecstatic,  picking up the cell phone to call my brother immediately and proudly announce he had caught Shasta Tesse.

Well, the point of all this sharing is because this event reminded me of some principles in God’s Word.  In Proverbs l6:9 it says, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps,”  and then in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”    In other words, a DELAY does not always mean a DENIAL, and sometimes when we plan our way, things can change in course, as He directs our steps. 

Because of the delay in our arrival at Phil’s favorite fishing hole, he was later blessed with a BIG catch.  If he had arrived 2 hours sooner, oh, he might have caught some fish, maybe numerous fish, but probably not Shasta Tesse; which was truly a heart-desired moment fulfilled.  Yes we can be assured, “He makes all things beautiful in His time,” and for that I am so thankful!

-The Quilted Poetess

The Living Well

June 26, 2010

When tired and weary, come unto Me,

for I’m a well, found deep inside;

where you will find, Living Waters reside,

to refresh, refill, and to revive;

your soul and life, with everlasting delight.

I’ll give you drink, just ask of Me,

I’ll fill your thirst, your want and need;

so take a sip, a taste, a swallow,

please do dive in, it’s deep not shallow;

leap with heart first, then with head follow,

the well is bottomless, to fill the hollow.

-excerpt from The Living Well

Boy,  today I could have really used an ice-cold refreshing drink of Smart water about 1/2 way through my long, hot, vigorous bike ride.  We trekked off to the River Trail at about 8:00 a.m. to try to beat the heat. It’s about an 8 mile round trip ride from our house. All was going great until we decided to go on an “adventure,” and take a new route home. Phil, my hubby and bike riding buddy, suggested this road up thorough the Keswick Dam area. He said it would be a little uphill, but then drop us onto Hwy 299 in Shasta City, where we could then peddle our way back home through a few “down hill” miles. 

Well, it was not the road he had “remembered” it to be, and to make a long bike ride, I mean “story” short, we road up hill for miles and miles in the HOT, mid morning, Redding sun.  I kept my eyes on that narrow, white line, RIGHT in front of me, so I would not become discouraged by looking UP the LONG hill we were climbing.  The great news is WE MADE IT!! We walked our bikes in a few spots; caught some shade when we could; and now we are home.  The first thing I did when I arrived was run in to refresh myself on a huge, chilled glass of Smart water, and then it was off for a cool, refreshing shower.  Now, I feel like a new person.

I have found that life circumstances can also have a way of heating up, causing us to become parched from the challenges we face. While riding home today, the Holy Spirit was bringing to my remembrance what Jesus says in the book of John, “But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14  He  Himself is The Living Water, and says if we drink of Him, He will quench our thirst and refresh us when  exhausted.  I am so glad that I can turn to Him for a  drink of Living water when I need one, aren’t you?  As Smart water replaces our electrolytes, His Living water refills us with vigor and life. The great news is that it is eternal, always available, and never-ending. I can STOP anytime and drink of Him to become refreshed and recharged, but only if I CHOOSE to STOP and take a drink.   Matter of fact, I think I’ll go do that right now. 

-The Quilted Poetess


June 25, 2010

-Praise with Thanksgiving for All that You Do

-Reflecting, Connecting, Spending Precious Time with You;

-Asking and Seeking for Revelation Anew

-Yielding Afresh, my Heart Concerns to You;

-Embracing Your Presence as You Draw me to You,

-Remembering Your Promises, they’re All  Mine and All True.

Yesterday, I spoke of the blessings we receive when we spend quiet time soaking in the anointing of the Lord’s presence. Today, I’d like to follow-up by sharing another key component and privilege He so graciously bestows to us, that of  P-R-A-Y-E-R. 

Prayer, simply put, is talking and listening to God.  He is just waiting for us to open up and dialogue with Him, sharing not only our questions and concerns, but  our joys and victories as we would with a dear friend.  He not only loves to listen and has an ear to hear, but also loves to answer, for you see He also has a mouth to speak.  Often times I am so busy rambling on to Him, I don’t stop long enough to listen; listen for His direction, counsel, pleasure, warning, or whatever He so longs to speak to me about. Then I get up and go about my daily routine, with no clear perspective on the what’s and how’s or answers to those questions I had just left Him with.

Disciplining myself to stop, wait and listen for His great and precious promises and nuggets of wisdom, is such a key component to my intimate relationship with Him.  He longs to have a 2 way connection with me and is so faithful to speak, if only I will stop long enough, still my heart and mind and wait to hear His voice.  When I do I am totally blessed beyond measure, because when I leave The Secret Place where we’ve just communed, I am leaving with an arsenal of direction, strength and support to tackle the challenges of my life.

Today, as you take time to be with the Lover of your Soul, sharing your heart’s concerns, why don’t you challenge yourself as I plan to do to listen, listen for that still small voice whispering in your ear, “I love you my child. Here’s some answers to those questions and concerns you’ve been seeking me about.”  When you do, I know you will truly be touched and blessed!

-The Quilted Poetess

Flow Anointing Flow

June 24, 2010

Let us soak,

oh let us soak,

And receive the anointing flow;

Come Holy Spirit,

O’ Holy Spirit come,

flow anointing flow! 

Flow over  us,

flow in and through,

Around and on,

up and to;

More of You Spirit,

more of You,

Your anointing flow,

O’ Holy Spirit flow!

-excerpt from Flow Anointing Flow

Taking a nice hot bath, is one of my favorite things to do.  I will put on some soothing music, then light some candles, and step in, laying back slowly, closing my eyes.  And as I do so, all my cares seem to vanish as vapors, like the  hot mist rising from the tub.  It is one of the most peaceful, mindless, activities I enjoy.  Sometimes, while hearing the  sweet melodic sounds from one of my favorite CD’s, I drift off into “Never, Never Land,”  later to awaken refreshed and renewed.

The Lord also wants me to take the time to sit quietly with Him, and  still the outside distractions that want to fight for the attention of my mind and soul, so He can fill and flow thorugh my being with the anointing of His Holy Spirit, bathing and soaking it from the inside out.  His sweet, sweet presence, is always available to bring refreshing, renewing and empowering.  Whatever my need, His anointing is ready to meet it; to personally invigorate me when weary, or to ignite me to join Him in His plans and purposes for the day.

I have found if I don’t purpose to make the time to sit and bathe in His anointing, it won’t happen. At the end of  those days , I feel as if I have wrestled and functioned in my own strength.  But, if I remind myself to spend time with Him, and make the choice to run to that Secret Place of intimacy and rest, I leave regenerated and empowered, with a sound, clear, mind, ready to not only face my day, but to enjoy it.

What a good idea. I think I’ll retreat there right now; why don’t you think about joining me? 

More of You Spirit, 

More of You, 

Your anointing flow,

 O’Holy Spirit flow!

-The Quilted Poetess



To Be

June 23, 2010

To “BE,”

me, myself and I,

No façade, pretense,

falsehood, lie. 

There, available,

relaxed and free,

open, present,

raw honesty.

-excerpt from To BE

In the Old Testament,  the prophet Samuel was sent by the LORD to Jesse, to select from his sons the next king of Israel.  When seeing Jesse’s oldest son,  Eliab,  at first glance he was convinced by Eliab’s outward appearance, that he  WAS THE ONE.  To his surprise, the LORD spoke to him and said, “Do not consider his appearance or his height,  for I have rejected him.  The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”  (1 Sam. 16:7)   Alas, after proceeding down the line of brothers, the youngest and least likely, David, the shepherd boy, was chosen by the LORD to become the next king of Israel.

Growing up during the era of  T.V. series like “Donna Reed,” and “Father Knows Best,”   as a young girl I was CONVINCED that if I just had the outward appearance of my life together like these families, I would turn out successful and be happy.  I spent years striving to BE, the perfect wife, mother and Christian, to no avail.  By all outward appearances, everything LOOKED perfect, but inside, I was insecure, unhappy and unfulfilled.

When our daughter, Teresa, left home at 15 yrs. of age, the Lord got my attention and spoke the above scripture to my heart.  The desperation of this event caused my heart to be open to hear it, really for the first time.  This was the beginning of a heart transplant and BEcoming who and what the LORD had created me TO BE.  During this process, which by the way has been going on for the past 16 years, I have been BEcoming more and more.  This in turn, has freed  me to love more and more, myself, others and the Lord.  Now, I can honestly say that my heart is His.

It’s been a long journey, but well worth the process.  The proceeds are still coming in, I am happy to say.  I invite you today to take an inside look with me at your heart condition. Are you making decisions on how you act and live based on outward appearance, or living in the freedom TO BE who and what the Lord has created precious, “You,”  TO BE.    If you find the answer is “No,”  consider taking some time to get to know the real “You.”   This experience will truly transform your life and give you wings to fly!

-The Quilted Poetess 

Your Face

June 22, 2010

Your face is all I see,

Your face, so beautiful to me.

Your face, a touch of glory,

In front, behind, beside, covering,

Infilling, breathing; breathes of serenity,

Covering over, over me.

 As I behold, Your face I’m whole,

Complete in You, no cares, turmoil,

Where time stands still and all is well,

All is well, in spirit, soul.

-excerpt from Your Face

Lord, I choose to seek You today; and as I seek You, I see Your face. 

To see Your face is to know You, and  intimacy with You is the by-product. This creates in me a sense of security, safety, transparent vulnerability and the tender awareness You are there and we are one.

To see Your face is to hear You, and to be able to receive direction and comfort.  Where I am ruffled and upset,  Your face warms.  It invites me to surrender my cares to You.  I can grieve, express fear, doubt and whatever troubles me. I receive answers to my prayers and concerns. I receive reassurance that all is well, because You have a plan and things are under control.

To see Your face is to touch You.  When I touch You, you fill me with Your love.  I know that I am loved and enjoyed, simply because it’s Your pleasure to do so.  There is no greater gift I could receive.

To see Your face is to receive an impartation of life, because You are life.  In John 10:10, Jesus said that He came to bring life and life abundantly. To see Your face brings new waves of the life I now have in the spirit with You.  Joy, freedom and deliverance enter once again into my entire being.

To see Your face is to abide.  As I abide, I receive rest knowing You are the vine and I am just a branch.  As I abide longer, I receive and infusion of power and purpose.  I am ignited to move back into my world and become a life changer and transformer, filling the earth with Your love, wisdom and glory.

Today, I invite you to make the choice along with me to spend time seeking His face-in the simplicity of stillness. Choose to open your spirit to see, hear, touch and feel His presence and love for you.  Your life will never be the same and neither will mine.  We will be transformed by His glory.  “Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect th Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which come from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”  2 Corinthians 3:16-18

-The Quilted Poetess


Happy Birthday Jeff!

June 21, 2010

Today is a very special day for me.  29 years ago, I was blessed with the birth of my precious son, Jeffrey.  Living in beautiful Lake Tahoe at the time, Jeff was the 2nd baby to be born in the new birthing room at Barton Memorial hospital. In those days, fathers of  “soon to become bundles of joy,” were not permitted in the delivery room.  Approximately 1/2 hr. prior to Jeff’s birth, the very 1st baby had been born in this new cozy, comfortable setting, where both parents could partake in this amazing experience.  Then there was me,  arriving and dilated to almost 9 centimeters and shouting at Dr. Bergner, “He’s coming!”  Of course, he didn’t believe me, but after examining me more closely said, “You are right, He’s coming!!!!”   With no time to spare, Phil rushed in, (never having time to suit up) and everyone went into a tailspin to make sure our new baby did not end up on his tail, so to speak.   I’m happy to say, he landed safely in daddy’s arms.

Jeffrey, you had quite a spectacular, exciting entrance into this world.  But being the relaxed guy that you are, it’s as if you said to us,”No need to worry, I’ll be just fine,”  and fine you were. You were beautiful!  Or should I say handsome? The most treasured special gift your new daddy could have received, for you see, it was also Father’s Day to boot.  We were OVERJOYED!  A new baby boy to call our own.

Now 29 years later, you are still what we would call, “our baby boy,” although you’ve grown into such a tall, dark, handsome, well-mannered, loving, successful and talented man.  Yes, you  are a man, but you will always be our baby boy. We love you Jeffrey and wish you a Happy, Happy, Birthday!  Love Mom and Dad  “I thank my God everytime I remember you.” Philippians 1:3

-The Quilted Poetess

My Daddy’s Lap

June 20, 2010

Oh, to sit in Daddy’s lap

to snuggle, to cuddle,

and be held close; 

Where all is well

where all is safe,

completely enveloped

in my Daddy’s embrace.

-excerpt from My Daddy’s Lap

It’s Father’s Day today, and being without my earthly father for the past 30+ years, I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father,  who has adopted me and called me His very own. “Happy Father’s Day, Dad!”

I”d like to share a secret with you. While growing up, many of my friends had special “pet” nicknames, which their dads gave them to show their affection towards them.  I never had such a name, but once I was asked to close my eyes and ask my Heavenly Father what His nickname for me was. The Lord whispered tenderly in my spiritual ear, “Precious Beautiful Jewel.”  Knowing that meant the world to me.  You see,  as a young girl I had felt far from being precious, and well, my looks, let’s just say they left “much to be desired.” 

Not only does He call me precious and beautiful, but His “Jewel,” which in my economy means my value is worth is  extremely high, in other words, I am very costly to Him.  What really thrills me about this love relationship with my “Daddy,” is that  my worth to Him is NOT based on anything I could ever do, or say, or be…………………but just because…………..just because I AM HIS. 

Oh, how He loves me, and oh, how He loves you too!  His love reaches higher than the heavens!  Although His love reaches high, He is  not distant, but invites us daily to commune with Him,  so close, that we can rest, and actually sit in quiet confidence in His lap, no matter our circumstances.  He is the God who is there, the God who cares, the God who listens, and the God who moves.  He moves mountains on our behalf.

Why don’t you take some time this Father’s Day to sit quietly on your Daddy’s lap and let Him sing over you;  bringing you comfort, encouragement and an outpouring of His love.  Let Him bathe your entire being from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.  Then get up, with a BIG smile of satisfaction on your face, and run back outside and play. The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He  will rejoice over you with singing.  Zephaniah 3:17

-The Quilted Poetess