Archive for January 2012

What’s New Papa?

January 31, 2012

What is beckoning you on today?  The tyranny of the urgent? Unfinished business? Regrets, fears, obsessions?  Other people’s expectations?  Or is it God’s Spirit……..quietly saying, Come unto Me.  Go ahead, sit on Papa’s lap. Allow Him to hold, love and comfort you. Share all your cares and concerns. Then……..with wide-eyed, childlike, adventurous expectation ask, What’s next Papa?

And GET UP and get started…..there are things to do and places to go; hope-filled and joy-filled moments just awaiting you as you live and breathe and have your being in Him today. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

~The Quilted Poetess

Aglow in His Presence

January 29, 2012

In the book of Mark everywhere Jesus went and all who touched Him were made whole. We, His Body are now filled with that same life-giving Presence.  His Spirit that is within and upon us can touch those around us. Colossians 3:23 reminds us to work HEARTILY as unto the Lord in all we do.  This creates an atomosphere for others to taste, touch and see the manifest Presence of the Lord, and thus to experience His all-consuming love and awestruck power! 

Lord, I ask you today to increase our awe and wonder in Your Presence.  Allow that internal reality to be manifested through us externally in all we do.  As it does the realm of Your Kingdom which cannot be shaken can and will touch the world around us.  Seeing and thinking will be transformed into Divine perpective where there is no fear,  just perfect love, beause You are there; everywhere.  The Presence of Your light will shine brightly through us and darkness must flee. 

You are so Glorious

Shining Brilliantly Bright

Illuminating Blissfully

Inside my Life.

With Your Sparkling Glow

Radiance and Light

Imparting through Me

Such Fiery, Sizzling Delight.

With Rushing Surges of Pleasure

And Flashing Splashes of Splendor

Amongst Echoing Waves of Grandeur

As You and I Commune Together.

The Streaming Currents of Your Flow

Reverberate Deep within my Soul

Creating Fullness, Breadth Untold

My Essence Complete, now Full and Whole.

~Shekinah Glory

Choose with me today to make every moment one that aglows with His very Presence by choosing to preserve, honor and host His Presence. 

-The Quilted Poetess

He Is Your Life!

January 25, 2012

This year I‘ve decided to read the Message paraphrase of the Bible and I am loving it!  It is a breath of fresh celestial air.  The author, Eugene Peterson, paints brushstrokes of colorful, down to earth landscapes of spiritual truth that cause my Spirit to laugh, reflect, and be gently nurtured.  As a tree of righteousness, I am so taking pleasure from this stream the Lord has transplanted me near drink from during this season.  

Most recently, I have been sipping from the creek of Colossians. Today, I’d like to take the opportunity to share a few tastes of the sparkling refreshment I’ve been receiving.  

Eugene so eloquently reminds us that God has delivered us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons and instead set us up in the Kingdom of the Son He loves so much!  (Can you relate?)   As we look at His Son, we see God’s original purpose in everything He created. Everything started in Him and finds its purpose in Him. All the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe-people and things, animals and atoms get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of His death and His blood that poured down from the Cross.

We ourselves are all case studies of what He does! At one time we had our backs turned to God, but now in Christ, God has put our lives together, whole and holy in His Presence. Hallelujah! Please don’t choose to walk away from such a gift! But instead, stay grounded and steady in that bond of TRUST, constantly tuned into the Message, careful not to be distracted or diverted (a moment by moment proactive decision).

Eugene reminds us to be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less, but in Christ, that we would be woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know about God.  As we do so we will be given minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ. Christ is God’s great mystery where all the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded. Entering into this fullness is not something we figure out or achieve. It is not a matter of being circumcised or keeping a long list of laws.  We are already in-insiders-through what Christ has already gone, destroying the power of sin. He stripped all spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets.  Double Hallelujah!

The mystery in a nutshell is this: Christ in us, therefore we can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It is that simple.  This is the substance of the Message.   The source of life is Christ who puts us together into one piece, whose very breath and blood flow through us. He is the Head and we are the Body, and we grow up healthy and are nourished in and through Him.

So saints, look up and be alert to what is going on around Christ- that is where the true action is. See things from His perspective.  Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other and in step with each other.  This is your real life; even though invisible to spectators it is with Christ in God. He is your life!

Scriptures taken from the Book of Colossians found in The Message with my personal brief commentary.

-The Quilted Poetess

My Precious Everything

January 14, 2012

 In the Stillness of the Cool of the Morn,

I come to You, my precious Everything;

To spend priceless moments of Intimacy,

Where You walk and talk with me.

We gleefully Play, chat and discuss what may,

Whatever Thoughts my heart and spirit does say;

And as I Dialogue and converse with You,

My longing heart is drawn to;

Your gentle Voice leading me the Way.

As You Speak to me so lovingly,

We create a conversational Sonnet in harmony;

A Duet just between us, played so tenderly,

Once completed becoming the Melody;

I’m able to Dance to, move forward, perform,

In step, in Synch, one direction, accord.

With You as my Partner in unity,

Embracing one another flowing so gracefully;

Intertwined oneness, heart, spirit, mind’s aligned,

A Ballet of two Lovers so delightfully Divine.

-In the Cool of the Morn

 ~The Quilted Poetess












I am Yours and You are Mine

January 11, 2012

My most satisfying moments are with You my Beloved…..I am Yours and You are mine.  As I close my eyes to the cares of this world~ You are there. In silent stillness just waiting to embrace~ to clothe me in Your soothing, drippy, sappy Presence.  WE~ together and intertwined~ Branch and Vine, pores open wide. I’m complete, alive!  Emotions colliding where all tensions unwind. Entraptured~ Your heart and mine.  I am Yours and You are mine, unreservedly, unbashfully, lavishly and carelessly~ Divine!

~The Quilted Poetess

I Stand in Awe of You

January 9, 2012

Just thinking about You makes my heart smile~~ as I stop and reflect, placing mind and imagination upon You~~ I become spellbound because I am so in love with You!  Closing my eyes, I let go of all distractions that would rally for my attention.  My ball is now in Your court and Your court only, laid down at Your feet where Your glory and Presence dwell.  Where time stands still~~and ALL is well~ in spirit, soul. Where peace like a lazy river flows and the brightness of Your glory warms~~ oh so beautiful!  A kaleidoscope of heavenly beauty surrounding…Your peace splashing and splattering me head to toe.  Now dripping in peace and serenity I move slowly into my day.  Jesus, I am so in love with You!

-The Quilted Poetess

Give Me Jesus

January 7, 2012

As I begin a new year afresh…………….I am once more reminded to keep the main thing, the main thing.  As Fernando Ortega says, You can have all this world, but give me Jesus!

Each morning as I arise only one thing is on my mind…..spending time with Him in precious communion.  With cup of coffee in hand I plop myself down in my secret place (an old, comfortable, stuffed, forest green easy chair).  In quiet stillness it’s just me and Jesus…….the True, Unfailing Lover of my Soul.

No better place to be than in His Presence.  Everything else seems to stand still for that hour or so that we are together.  Cares, concerns, fears and burdens are all laid at His feet as His Presence and Word bring life, hope, vision and comfort to any anxious thoughts, replacing them with healing, promise and power!

 As 2012 beckons to take root in your life, may it also be a year for you filled with more of Him. May your primary goal be to keep the main thing, the main thing; Jesus!   

-The Quilted Poetess