Archive for October 2011

I Love the Fall, and the Fall Loves Me!

October 31, 2011

Alas, Fall is in the  air!  Crisp, calm, and peace-filled days surround.  A gentle breeze is blowing.  Leaves are slowly transforming into variated hues of orange, while so quietly and delicately clothing my yard. My soul relaxes. Alas, my spirit becomes still.  A listening heart emerges.  Emerges to hear the surrounding stillness.  A silent stillness that is so prevalent this time of year.  I Love the Fall, and the Fall Loves Me!

Be Still and Know that I am Lord.  Most times easier said than done.  The Rest of Faith…….awaiting, with anticipation.  Awaiting in trust for those great and precious promises to be birthed often times amongst the backdrop of the falling leaves of loss and unanswered prayers.

Knowing all the while that He is faithful and His promise are true.  Although, I cannot see the answers yet, I know the seed of their promise is just waiting to emerge. Emerge~ after that fall; emerge after winter’s barren frost. But yes, emerge.  

How long is the wait you might ask?  No one knows………..but Someone cares.  He cares.  He cares about every hair on my head.  He cares about every tear that I cry.  He cares about every loss I incur. He cares, and because He cares,  I have hope.

A hope that does not disappoint.  A hope that eye has not seen, nor ear heard.  A hope that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But a hope that is not always visible to the natural eye; sometimes only the eye of the Spirit.

An eye that discerns through listening.  Really listening. Listening as He quietly whispers my name and fills my being with something; well something that is hard to describe.  It is a fullness, an unusual fullness; not based on circumstance or anything tangible for that matter.  But tangible it is!

It’s the kingdom of God invading every cell within.  Invading me with an explosive, but containable hope.  As the leaves of concern and doubt fall in relinquishment, His kingdom tenderly falls within clothing me in heavenly array. The hues are expressively divine as they quietly and completely clothe my being.

I feel safe, warm and secure. I am now covered~protected, until winter is over and spring emerges.  The wait; short or long; no one knows, but the weeping that endured through the night has for today, been replaced with joy.  Joy unspeakable and full of glory.  The glory of the Lord!

-The Quilted Poetess


All Things and So Much More!

October 25, 2011

Emmanuel~ God with us! What an amazing never-ending gift we have received. To think, He, the God of the universe is WITH us~ continually, each and every moment………just waiting to be invited by us into our day-to-day realities. He IS the one in whom we can depend; in whom we can depend. He IS our best friend; always readily available to comfort, love, and encourage us, as well as speak to us about the things we need to hear (but don’t always want to). Emmanuel~ God with us~ is All These Things and So Much More! Whatever your need, He is there to meet it. Whatever your hurt, He is there to bathe it. Whatever you question or concern, He is there to answer it. His Word is a treasure filled with rich promises you can lay your life on. In the midst of All These Things and So Much More………I know what you might be thinking. What about the times I do call out for help and I don’t hear an answer? Or what about the times I do have a real and valid need and I don’t see it met? Or the times I do hurt and I feel no relief? During those times; wait……. ask, seek and knock at His door for understanding. Search for the answer as you would for silver or gold, and often times you will find it. I also know that there will be times you will knock, and knock, and knock…..but that door of understanding will not open. It it then you need with everything in you…….. to lay your unsearchable questions down, and reassure yourself no matter how difficult; that He is faithful. He is faithful because He says He is. Never allow those unanswered questions to negate the truth that He is All These Things and So Much More! The good news is that one day those unanswered questions will be answered. One day He will not only be the God who is with you, but the God who you will see face to face, because You will be like Him. On that glorious day All These Things and So Much More, will be unending………

 -The Quilted Poetess

Now That’s A Good Question!

October 19, 2011

Do you profess or possess your faith? Now that is a good question! If you are not quite sure what your answer is, that might be an indicator that you are actually in the process. I believe it is an ongoing process.  Although professing is a great place to begin (and where we all did), as we grow in our walk of faith, unless we begin to actually possess our faith, ultimately it will have little lasting effect upon our lives and the glory of God. 

God’s Word is filled with hope, promises and strength according to the need of your moment, but unless you unite His Word with faith, possession will not become the byproduct. According to Hebrews 11:1, Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. In other words, believing for those things God shows us that we have not seen come into fruition could also be likened to possession. This is why possession is so key.

 That transition from outward profession to inward possession is where the true integration occurs. Kay Arthur, a renown Bible teacher would call it, The REST of Faith. She says it occurs when we unite the Word of God with faith choosing to live in it as that very moment. Easier said than done, wouldn’t you agree?

So exactly how do we nurture this process of profession~ or moving the profession from our lips and head to possession of the heart? Quality quiet time with God.  Getting to know Him, getting to know all about Him~ by cultivating a habit of spending time each day in His Presence, communing with Him in His numerous multifaceted roles in our lives.

As we fix the eyes of our mind upon Him, His Presence helps transition our affections from our circumstances. This opens our heart to the virtue of His truth, which I believe assists in the perfection of our faith. Those anxious holes or gaps can then be filled with REST, where true transformation occurs. Rest ushers in serenity, which ushers in possession of more of Him and His kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy.

Now when the winds of adversity blow (and they will), the roots of  faith are much deeper and stronger. They will steady you for your next upgrade of possession when the occasion arises and the whole process begins anew, until  one day you will find as the Apostle Paul did, his most precious possession was Jesus Christ Himself.

-The Quilted Poetess

Just a Decision Away

October 12, 2011

Monday, I spoke about taking that next courageous step in whatever arena of challenge you might be facing. Daily we all face something we need the courage to do.  Today, I would like to remind you that courage is just a decision away.  But with that said, what exactly can help us to make that courageous decision?

Throughout the Bible, God instructs and exhorts us to trust Him.  He doesn’t say, Trust Me when things look good, but more often, when things look bleak.  It is easy to believe God when all is good, but what about when things go awry?

What do you do when that occurs?  Henry Cloud has a book I am currently reading called, Integrity, subtitled,  the courage to meet the demands of reality.  The COURAGE to MEET the DEMANDS of REALITY! Demands could be such things as, disappointments, losses, pain, betrayal……those things that are not easy, smooth, enjoyable, fun, etc.

We all know from experience that life if filled with twists and turns, curve balls, and deep dark pits.   The question is, What do you do when one of those occurrences takes YOU by surprise? 

In his book, Henry Cloud eloquently explains in detail how integrity is actually more than just a character trait of being honest. It IS a character that is so integrated with courage that when bad things happen, one not only copes, but thrives right in their midst.

A friend of mine defined peace as, a deep settled confidence that God is in control of the details of my life. I would also define trust in the same way. Trust is believing God is in control and has my best interests in mind.  Having the courage to trust Him, no matter what things look like~ brings with it a sense of peace, wholeness, confidence and rest.

The courage to trust is just a decision away. Choose to trust with me today by pinning down the enemy in your life or thoughts that are fighting against you.  Be reminded our battle is not with flesh and blood, but principalities in darkness….. and we already HAVE the victory! Making the decision to fight that battle with trust allows you to experience that victory.

Now is the time. Each minute of each day is a new opportunity to grow by meeting your various challenges with the courage to trust.  Remember, it’s just a decision away.

-The Quilted Poetess 


Take the Next Step

October 10, 2011

Yesterday was my husband’s birthday and we went to see a movie which came out recently called, Courageous.  I can’t even begin to express how much I was moved and touched in deep places within.  The  movies main theme was about a group of fathers who chose to make a resolution to go to the next level in their commitment as dads.

Those of you like myself who are a parent, know firsthand that can be much easier said than done.  I think that is why they came up with the title, Courageous. Choosing to make a commitment, then following through can be quite challenging. requiring risks and lifestyle changes that are not always comfortable.

 This past year, I made a commitment to lose weight and change my eating habits.  This might not sound like it would take that much courage, but for those of you who LOVE to eat like I do, believe me, it  did!   I am happy to report I was successful (with God’s help of course), to lose my goal of 15 pounds, but that was only the beginning of the story.  After the initial weight loss, which took about 3-4 months, I had to Take the Next Step, which involved KEEPING it off.

To do so, I had to make another commitment to STAY at my new current weight.  As I monitored it, I would notice it would fluctuate a few pounds above my goal.  At such times I would have to remind myself, You made a commitment to STAY at that weight, so you best do so. Overall, I was consistent at dropping off those few additional pounds until about a month ago, and then voila!  One day when I got on the scale I had actually gained 5 lbs!! 

Now the question was, Was I going to take the next step? Thankfully, by the grace  of God I courageously chose to more carefully monitor my eating habits, and over the process of a few weeks I was back on track. Back on track, because I had taken the next step.

Last year I had taken the next step with exercise goals and thankfully succeeded. Recently, I am taking the next step with my finances.  Being courageous enough to take the next step towards what is best for yourself, and in honor of God and others is not always easy.  It takes discipline, hard work, persistence and prayer, but I believe it starts with a willingness to be courageous by committing to that first step.

In the movie, 5 different men took that next step by making a public confession in front of their families. Then all but one, courageously followed-through.  What a gift this was to their children, and what an honor it was to their God. What is the the Lord speaking to you about that might be something you could courageously commit to taking the next step?

No matter what that might be, the good news is it is never too late to  start. Don’t allow past failures to stop you from trying again. Even if you’ve  failed before, remember the reason God gives us a new day every 24 hours is for new beginnings. You know what they say, If you don’t succeed, try, try again!  This might be your time of victory; and if so~ how sweet that victory can be!

-The Quilted Poetess

Living Power

October 7, 2011

For whatever God says to us if full of living power.

Hebrews 4:12

While reading chapter 4 in the book of Hebrews last week I came afresh on this scripture.  Many of us are more familiar with it being quoted: For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Recently, I  begun reading The Book translation of the Bible to freshen up my bible reading time anew.  When I came across this passage in this translation, it reignited my connection with my long-lasting love for the Word of  God.

As the above scripture says, His Word is alive, available, and full of living power for our lives! Now that is exciting and good news!  As some of you know who have purchased and read my book, My Quilted Life of Poetry,  I put very high importance on God’s precious and priceless morsels of truth.  Each chapter and poem in the book is woven together from top to bottom with scriptures, either literally or paraphrased.

There is nothing more powerful in the universe to offer us hope, instruction, understanding, life, and transformation than His Word.  In  Deuteronomy 8:3b it says, Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. His Word IS our daily bread. As we spend time reading (or eating it), it feeds and nourishes us; body, soul, mind, and spirit. It strengthens us in times of weariness and gives us faith in times of fear. It heals us of our wounds, and shines light in those dark places of confusion.

Thank God He’s left us with such a life-giving manual to lead and direct us with answers for everything under the sun.  All we have to do is pick it up and read it.  It is a treasure chest of wealth sitting on our bedsides, bookcases, table and desktops. Why not make and take some time today to do just that? 

Begin by reading a proverb a day and some psalms.  Add some New Testament passages, and then some Old. Or why not enroll in a group bible study?  During the fall many are starting afresh in churches in every community.  Commitment to such a group and studying in more of an organized fashion might just be the key for you to begin to unlock the riches of His living powerful Word in your life.  I know as you do, the needed discipline to begin,will in time turn into a delight.

There is no time of the day I now look forward to more than my morning devotional time with the Lord in His Word.  It has changed my life and I know it will change yours.   Begin today. If you are already reading the Word, continue and commit to more. He will meet you there and your relationship with the God who loves you beyond your wildest dreams will grow more intimate and truly become your greatest treasure. 

The Word of God, my daily bread,

it feeds my soul, and makes me whole;

Filling my hunger, giving me strength,

keeping me strong, all the day long.

The Word of God, my daily light,

a lamp to shine brightly, illuminate, guide;

Directing my steps, upon the path,

my feet will follow, my life will track.

The Word of God, my powerful sword,

piercing through, to lead me toward;

All that’s lovely, all that’s true,

judging my thoughts, and attitudes.

The Word of God, it is my food,

it is my light, it is my truth;

It fills my soul, it points the way,

it brings me freedom, each hour of the day.

-The Word of God

The Quilted Poetess

A Sabbath Psalm of Praise

October 3, 2011

You have reminded me Lord once more that whatever you say to me is full of living power! Your every Word is a precious treasure of knowledge and understanding. As I spend time meditating on Your Word, I am  replenished like a tree that is planted on a spacious, lush riverbank~and as I drink anew of the river of Your Presence and truth, I am nourished and strengthened deep within my soul and spirit. You are preparing me afresh with the nutrients needed to bear delicious fruit for others to feast upon. Oh the joy of spending quality time with You!

As I trust in You and commit my life into Your hands, I am reassured continually that you keep Your promises and they become the armor that protects me.  I become radiant with joy as I remember Your great mercies bestowed on me daily. I am refreshed by Your never-ending blessings. Thank you Lord!  You listen so faithfully to what troubles me; all my concerns and woes. I am safe and secure, because my times are in Your hands. I am even engraved on the palm of Your hand. How great is Your goodness!

You  hide me in the shelter of Your Presence. Your unfailing love protects me like the walls of a fortress. As I depend on You, I take courage knowing You are loyal and You reward your beloved continually with demonstrations of Your love.  You are my hiding place in every storm of life.  You are always faithful to advise and instruct me in my time of need as I wait upon You as to the best course of action (or inaction), always watchful of my progress, surrounding me with your all-surpassing love.

With Your anointing I can do great and mighty things, for You have promised to help me as I step out in faith on the waters of life. Your loving-kindness and truth are my rear guard.  Thank you Lord! I praise and bless Your Holy Name for your kindness and faithfulness. You have done so much for me.

-The Quilted Poetess