Archive for May 2012

Children of Promise

May 10, 2012

Born into sin and kidnapped by the law, through Christ, our death sentence has now been exchanged for a life sentence. We have  been born again and set free to experience our rightful heritage as God’s children and heirs of the riches of His kingdom. Complete access is ours to the treasure chest of all His great and precious Promises. Children of Promise, that is what we are! 

God’s Word, written by man, but inspired by God is filled with these Promises.  They come in  every color of the  rainbow. God has given them to us to empower us to live in His kingdom realities.  So the question you might ask is, How do I access these Promises?

The impartation of their realities to influence our daily lives comes in various ways, but I believe most importantly through faith.  Faith is a gift given to us by God in a particular circumstance to believe something can be true for us.  His Holy Spirit that lives within us activates this tangible sense of faith to His Promises found in His Word.

Our part is to pray, ask and seek God for them. His part is to reveal to our spiritual eyes the very ones we can apprehend for our given situation.  God’s Spirit opens our eyes as we keep our eyes on Him. The result is both activation of our faith and the gift of particular Promises trust in.  As we do, in His timing we will see the manifestation of their fruition.  A harvest of righteousness will be our reward.


~The Quilted Poetess

Triumphal Procession

May 8, 2012

The book of Galatians tells us that the person who lives in right relationship with God does it by embracing what God arranges for him.  Solely, rule keeping for rule keeping sake does not naturally evoke living by faith.  If living by faith is our goal, the book of James tells us there will be deeds, but if we marry these two books into one thought~ those deeds will be the ones the Lord has predestined for us, according to the needs of the moment. Those deeds WILL usher His grace to those in our midst in its various forms. 

Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Although our engagement with God in meeting present needs might be a sacrifice, we can trust that the fire of God will ignite that sacrifice in such a way that life and life abundantly will result.  Righteousness, peace and joy will be the by~product of heavenly activity and will become our portion. The joy of the Lord will become our strength, even if elbow grease and endurance are required.

Having a heart for Him creates a heart like His in us. As we choose to co-partner with Him, His Presence in us is enlarged both for the task at hand and for our benefit.  Thus, walking in the Spirit~step by step, task by task, heart by heart in triumphal procession (as He leads) in Christ, spreads everywhere the knowledge and fragrance of Him, filling the earth with His glory.


~The Quilted Poetess

God’s Colossal Love

May 3, 2012

I am really enjoying the Living Bible translation written by Eugene Peterson.  The adjectives he uses to describe God’s Word visually describe His timeless truths in new ways that speak volumes to my spirit. While reading Psalms 36 this morning, I was once more delightfully reminded of God’s colossal love for us! In verses 5-9, he describes it as follows:

God’s love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks. How exquisite your love, O God! How eager we are to run under your wings,  To eat our fill at the banquet you spread as you fill our tankards with Eden spring water. You’re a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light.

Now I don’t know about you, but when I read that passage the vastness and hugeness of God’s love, once more captures my heart afresh, washing endless waves of security, affection and warmth all over it!  As Romans 8 also reminds us, there is NOTHING that can separate us from His all-encompassing love for us, that is truly higher than the heavens.

What an immeasurable and unending gift we have all received.  And the gift that never quits giving or protecting. Bask with me today in God’s colossal love for you.  Allow His loving Presence to invade every nook and cranny of your emptiness, brokenness and pain.  Oh, how He loves you!

~The Quilted Poetess