Archive for December 2012


December 21, 2012

Jesus says in John 11:4, Believe and you will see the glory of God!  The circumstances at the time of His comment were bleak indeed.  Lazarus had died.  After prophesying this word of faith, Jesus WAITED 4 days to go.  To go to preform the fulfillment of His declaration.  In the meantime, Lazarus has not only died, but been buried.  His sister, Mary and Martha were devastated.  In the natural, all they could see was that it was over and too late for a miracle.  Jesus had not intervened and Lazarus was gone, but, that was not the end of the story.  When Jesus arrived He spoke Words of life to Lazarus and commanded Him to come forth!  And He miraculously did!

Believe and you shall see the glory of God! Just as with Lazarus, we too face circumstances that look not only bleak, but just plain impossible. Thank you Lord that nothing is impossible with You!  Thank you for the example of Lazarus’s resurrection life experience to remind us that you too, can enter our world and change things; that You can and do change the impossible.

You did that for me in Montana when I was diagnosed with a life-threatening auto immune disease they said I would never recover from. And I did!  I now test negative from something that in medical eyes is impossible.  Thank you Jesus!  I believed you and I saw the glory of God!

Timing.  Timing can be everything. As you also say in Your Word, You make all things beautiful in their time. In the fullness of time, Jesus came.  In your perfect timing, Elizabeth and Zechariah gave birth to John the Baptist so he could fulfill his calling and prepare the way of the Lord.  What seems like a LONG wait to us, in your economy is just a twinkling of an eye.

Your part is to do the impossible.  Our part is to believe, no matter what our circumstance, even when things don’t turn out like we hoped or planned; continue to believe. Believe in You.  Believe in all things working out for good. Believe that was satan means for harm, You will use for good for the saving of many lives. In the full spectrum of eternity we can trust that You have everything under control, and in the meantime, we can believe in You and believe You will make all things beautiful in Your time.

~The Quilted Poetess


My Everything

December 20, 2012

God promises us in His Word that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He also reminds us in 2 Corinthians that when we are weak, He is strong, and that His grace is always sufficient for our needs.  Hallelujah! We are not alone in this thing called, life. Christ is in Us, infusing us, energizing us, and gracing us for all we will face in life.

As Jesus was led into the desert and tempted by evil~ we also will face temptations throughout our life.  Temptations to find our need met through someone or something besides the True Lover and Provider of our soul. Temptation to build our identity through our own accomplishments, or what others think about us. Temptations to believe lies and threats that are shot like arrows from the depths of hell itself to pierce our faith and trust in the Holy One.

In this world, Jesus also reminds us we will have tribulations, losses, disappointments and hardships. But He also promises that He will make a way of escape for us in the midst of them.  That way is through Him. When we choose to turn to Him, His grace will infuse us with all we need to survive and ultimately thrive in the midst of any hardship. As we do, He slowly renews our minds and empowers us with truth that heals, strengthens and releases us from the captivity of whatever we are being held by.

But in order for this process to work, we, as Jesus did in His desert experience, need to choose to turn to Him~ to His Truth and Presence.  As we do, He will lead us to victory and give show us the road to recovery and back to life.  He is always the Way, the Truth and the Life, so with this Promise there is nothing that can ultimately destroy us.

Choose with me  today to strengthen yourself anew in the Lord.  As of late, the journey  of life I know has been shockingly treacherous for all of us, but because I know that my Redeemer lives, and He lives forIMG_0227 me and for you…………I can not only face tomorrow, but  can face it with hope, casting all my cares and concerns on Him.

Thank you Jesus for being EVERYTHING we will ever need!

~The Quilted Poetess

Come Away My Beloved

December 19, 2012

Relationships~ I don’t know about you, but for me, relationships have and do play a most precious role in  my life.  They are on my top 5 list of favorites.  They fill a hole in my heart that nothing else can, no matter how spectacular.  That is because they are alive ~ with life, love, encouragement, and embrace.

And exchange~ in any healthy functioning relationship there is also a heart to heart exchange of such things as hopes, dreams, questions, concerns and  often times, wisdom. An exchange of touch, laughter, tears, the validation of seeing eye to eye, as well as the sheer surprise of diversity. An exchange of so many colors and hues of emotions to explore and enjoy.

What is true in the natural is also true in the spiritual realm with the Trinity. As Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each has Their own unique personalities and traits they offer as we relate to them.

Now this is when our cup of relational fullness really overflows! Interrelating with the God Head opens spiritual doors to new relational horizons for us that are laced with heaven’s realities. To hear the Voice of the Lord speak directly or feel His touch, brings pleasure like no other.

We were uniquely designed and created for this type of relationship. His Spirit sweetly whispering and tenderly beckoning us throughout the day to stop~ whatever we are doing as He says,  Come Away My Beloved to My Secret Place. Oh won’t you take some time to spend with Him there today?

The Secret Place

Just to “BE” in The Secret Place-

To rest, relax in Your embrace.

To meet with You where I can BE”

Released and free- merged, “ONE” with Thee.

From thoughts, activity distractions, worry-

Where time stands still and there’s no hurry.

Your glory filling the atmosphere-

Where peace is found and there’s no fear.

Only impartations with revelation-

And manifestations in demonstration.

Of Kingdom activity Heavenly visitation-

Your Spirit moving calling, loving, wooing.

As Your anointing infills me-

I know that when I leave this place.

I’ll “BE” with You wherever I go-

Experiencing daily communion sweet-

Heaven’s taste of The Secret Place.

In the Cool of the Morn~The Quilted Poetess

Our Advent Story

December 18, 2012

Each one of us has our own unique advent story. Our story of rebirth and redemption.This rebirth praisefully affects our entire life; past, present and future. No matter what our history was; where we’ve come from, or where we’ve been; the precious day we chose  to receive Christ ~we were born anew. Old things passed away, behold (in His eyes, all things were new). We have been forgiven and will continue to be forgiven as long as we live. Thank You, Lord!

Our slate was wiped CLEAN. We had a new and fresh beginning.God became our spiritual Father and now His DNA is within us. Through breathing His breath of life into us, we are truly alive. Alive in every sense of the word.  Now, the presence of God, through the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within us~to live and breathe and have His being through us. Our spirit has also been brought back to life to take a leadership role over our sou and body.  As we nurture and feed it upon the Bread of Life, it becomes stronger and able to copartner with HOly Spirit to destroy the works of the devil by ushering heaven’s atmosphere and realities through our life from heaven to earth.

The light He has now placed within us overcomes the darkness without, as we walk and keep in step with the spirit.  We too, have our story to live and tell~filled with promise, hope and the love of God as He works in and through our lives.  Now if that doesn’t put a smile on your heart, nothing will. IMG_0219Let today be a day of faithfulness; a bearing of fruitfulness bringing glory to our Father.  And all the saints said, Amen!

~The  Quilted Poetess

The Best Gift of All

December 17, 2012

In light of our country’s most recent horrendous tragedy caused by insanity, I am so very thankful to be reminded , Fear not, for to His kingdom there will be no end.  What a comfort to know that God’s kingdom is a lasting kingdom, an enduring kingdom an eternal kingdom. No one and nothing that can happen ever to me can ever separate me from it. It’s a done deal. Signed, sealed and delivered. Past tense, already happened, all said and done.

Why? Because of God’s marvelous plan. He knew we desperately needed Him.  You see, He created us and although we were created in His image; with that came free-will.  And with free-will came choice.  Now that is where it gets sticky.  Choice means, we are all capable of  doing insane things, because anything that does not line us with love and truth, I actually believe could be considered insane.  And God, knowing this~ made a way of escape for all of us.  Through Jesus.

He is the Way to Life and the only Way out of the consequence of our insanity, no matter how great or small. But to receive this Way comes personal responsibility called choice. We all have the choice whether or not to receive Him. What I mean by receive Him is choose to believe that He is God~ and through His blood and death, He paid the ultimate penalty for our insanity. For my sin and yours.

When we choose to acknowledge that yes, we too are capable of injustice and need a Savior, salvation occurs!  How sweet and simple it is. For us. He did it all.  He paid it all; past, present and future.  Now, we only need to choose life through Him. And when we do, we are washed in the spotless blood of Jesus and become whiter than snow. God no longer sees those injustices that separate us from Him and we are welcomed into His eternal family and kingdom. A kingdom that never ends!

Illness, death, sin, nor any shortcoming can ever IMG_0138keep us from Him, or the promise of eternal life with Him. Now that is some Good News!  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. The best gift of all; free for the asking; available today to you and to me.

I thank you and praise you Jesus for what You’ve chosen to do for all of us.  None of us have been deserving, but You did it anyways. Thank you this Christmas for the best gift of all………………Yourself!

~The Quilted Poetess

A Living Gift

December 14, 2012

Holy Spirit now living in me; taking up residence; abiding, infusing, and empowering my life. I am baptized and lathered in Him from head to toe. Now that’s a true gift of promise and hope!

Sealed with Holy Spirit, my entire life protected and bordered as a quilt by every stitch of His unending love so tightly woven around me. A deposit of what is to come; life everlasting and total glorification. No more tears, heartache, loss or angst; but only continual peace, rest and joy.

I have truly been given the greatest gift of all.  Salvation. Received freely and undeservedly. I didn’t and don’t have to work for it, nor could I, because its value is priceless. It was purchased for me with the blood  of Jesus; God Himself paid the full ransom. Emmanuel, God with us, was born and lived to die and take the penalty for my sins….and yours.  Through His lifeblood, His precious spotless, sinless, pure, white as snow lifeblood shed on my behalf~and yours.

On that first Christmas morn,laying so helpless as a babe in the manger was the most powerful God man to ever live. And now He lives in me~and He lives in you, through His presence, power and His love that has been poured out into our hearts through Holy Spirit.

Because He lives and moves and has His being in us………..we are alive and free. We now have access to the power to overcome all the forces of hell; because He overcame them. We have the power to forgive; because we’ve been forgiven and we have the power to love; because He first loved us. We have been blessed with a living gift beyond compare; His living Presence  inside of us, empowering us daily, moment by moment with all we need and more!

Thank you Lord!IMG_0147

~The Quilted Poetess

The Road that Leads to Life

December 13, 2012

John the Baptist came preaching, Make straight the paths. Today, Holy Spirit lives within each one of us declaring the same message.

What is the pathway to your heart? What draws your affections? What brings your pleasure and makes life worth living? We all have relationships with someone or something that tugs on our heartstrings, drawing us as a magnet in that direction.  That thing of person truly motivates, inspires and stirs us to action. The question is, As we follow that something or someone, what will its outcome ultimately be?

In John the Baptist’s day much as in our own~ for such is common to man, often times, people chose to take what he called, crooked paths. Synonyms for crooked would be such things as twisted,  meandering, tortuous, deformed, distorted, and unscrupulous. Yuk!  In the Word it says, There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end the way leads to death.  Sounds like the outcome of these crooked paths doesn’t it?

These crooked paths that we all take from time to time, will not lead us to the destination we are ultimately desiring, but actually detour us to rocky, barren wastelands that might appear as a desert-like watering hole, but once arriving we will find we’d actually just seen a mirage that is only a dust-filled mud hole.

So, just how do keep ourselves from following those deceptive, winding, crooked paths? First of all, by seeking.  Jesus says, Seek and you will find. As we seek, He will open our spiritual eyes or 6th sense, to lead and guide us. As we cultivate a listening ear for His voice we will hear Him say, This is the way….walk in it!

Secondly, as the Word says, Guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of them flow the issues of life. We need to sensitively  pay attention to what are affections are on, and when they are on things that we know are not life-giving, we need to discipline ourselves to move as far away as possible from them in thought or deedOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA.

Lastly, choose to follow Him.  As we spend quality time with Holy Spirit He will lead the way, but we need to actively follow. As we do, He will till up that fallow ground in our hearts that cause us to go astray and remove the stony places, replacing them with heavenly nutrients that will satisfy, bless and lead us to life!

~The Quilted Poetess

Something Worth Waiting For

December 12, 2012

When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son.

~ Galatians 4:4

When I was a little girl time seemed to tick SO slow. A 24-hour period seemed like, well, forever!  The wait for each special occasion I would so excitedly anticipate, did just that~ take forever.  And today, although time seems to be moving so much quicker (sometimes at my chagrin), those promises I am still awaiting can feel like they are taking forever.

How about you? How’s the wait game going for you? Are there promises, hopes and dreams you are still awaiting? Or has the wait been so long you’ve given up, and instead of anticipating their fulfillment, you’ve become apathetic~ loosing your enthusiasm and hope for their birth and arrival?

The advent of Christ was just that, a long wait. That monumental event that was prophesied by Isaiah so many centuries ago, alas, was realized that glorious star-lit evening in a tiny remote village named Bethlehem.  But on that glorious night~the wait was over. The Savior was born. Prophesy was fulfilled~Emmanuel, God was now with us in the flesh; a living breathing human being. He was like us~but so much more.

The wait was over. Or was it?  Jesus came, He lived, He died and He rose fulfilling His earthly calling. But now what? Now we are actually awaiting again His glorious return. HIs return for us, The Bride of Christ.  Not coming again as a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, but riding in on a majestic white horse, arrayed in splendor as our Beloved Groom. We are all now awaiting our Betrothal of Holy Matrimony.

Now THISImage something worth waiting for. As He has promised, He will return……for Us, HIs precious, treasured Bride and He will make everything beautiful in the fullness of time!

~The Quilted Poetess




December 11, 2012

Have any of you watched or heard of the popular television series, Survivor?  As it sounds, it is a show where the ultimate survivor is the one who outwits, outplays and outlasts everyone else. In doing so, he both received that prestigious title of Survivor, as well as 1 million dollars.

The spiritual game of Survivor is similar~to outwit, outplay and outlast~ but the rules are much different. Instead of using deceptive, cutthroat strategies against your opponents, God’s kingdom strategies are through actions of gracious, humble obedience.

Jesus Christ was our example. Although He came into this world in human form, He did not play the trump card of power through bullying, threats or self-aggrandizement. Jesus knew who He was, and where He had come from~He knew exactly why He was here, where He was going, as well as how He was going to get there.  He always kept the eyes of His heart stayed on the Father and the heavenly vision. He faithfully walked the straight path that was chosen and predestined for Him, regardless of personal comfort, prestige, rewards or consequences.

By doing so, He faithfully fulfilled His calling, as it was in heaven on earth, which included dying a agonizing death on the cross with grace and dignity. He did not entrust Himself to man, because He knew what was in man’s heart, but completely entrusted Himself to His Father, knowing ultimately His sacrifice would cause Death to be swallowed up in victory once and for all!

No matter what we are personally facing in the world today~because of Jesus’ faithfulness~there is always HOPE. Because of what He has already done, we too have outwitted, outplayed and outlasted our true enemy.  In Him-in Jesus-is our true reward; EVERLASTING LIFE!

In the meantime, why not choose to play the game of life like He did~faithful to heaven’s calling by living humbly, authentically, and willing to lay down your rights for the sake of others and the highest good, knowing, IMG_0124like Jesus did, you also will hear those precious words, Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your master!

~The Quilted Poetess

The Center of My Universe

December 10, 2012

Your Voice Holy Spirit~ oh, how I love hearing Your voice speaking to my heart about the things that concern You~ the things that concern me.  Through my dreams as with Joseph, offering warning, protection, direction.  Through your written Word, offering encouragement as You reveal to me Your  multidimensional nature that more than ABLE to meet all my needs. Through my circumstances confirming a yeah or nay in my decision making. And yes, through people, as spokesmen on Your very behalf.

I arise daily excited to sit at Your feet~as Mary did~anticipating Your touch and a freshWord from You~rarely disappointed. As I do, our relationship thrives and I find that nothing in my life is more treasured or valued than spending quality time with You. During that time I cultivate a listening ear to hear. To hear more clearly and with great sensitivity Your still small voice in the unseen realm that is always Present. I am filled to overflowing with such thankfulness that You still speak~as in times of old Holy Spirit,

You say in Your Word, He who has ears, let him hear.  Holy Spirit, help me to remove all that would hinder or separate me from hearing~busyness, fear, pride, laziness, hardness of heart, unbelief, disobedience, dependence on man, etc. Daily draw and woo my heart to You. May You always be the center of my universe. May I always listen, hear and obey……today I pray.

~The Quilted PoetessIMG_0119