Archive for July 2010

Randon Acts of Kindness

July 31, 2010

Care is the gift we give with our heart,

Not with apprehension, but right from the start.

We offer our care as we reach out today,

To those special people God sends our way.

A few weeks ago while watching Christian broadcasting, speaker, Joyce Meyer, gave a challenge to her audience that I was encouraged to participate in.  She suggested to us that each day we look for an opportunity to participate in a random act of kindness.  When I heard her suggestion,  my spirit within me rose and said, Now that’s a God idea!

So that’s exactly what I’ve done.  Each day I’ve made it a priority to be both open and available to those around me and to their needs, and indeed, I have found many random opportunities to bless.  At times it’s been easy, but at others, inconvenient, but because of the commitment I made my motivation has been high to follow through. 

I have found that each act of kindness has not only blessed the people I’ve reached out to, but left me feeling warm, filled and let’s just say, pleased with myself.  I have one that in particular that just occurred yesterday that  I’d like to share with you.

While stopping at Safeway for some melons, I noticed bottled water was on sale for a great price. Although I was able to pick up the 24 pack and get it onto my cart, while checking out, when offered some assistance to my car, I gladly accepted.  As this middle-aged man hastily pushed  my shopping cart behind me, I casually asked him, So, how is your day going? Expecting a response such as, It’s going great, or fine, or well, instead this gentlemen opened up, and in a total of about 45 seconds told me some very candid details of a  troubling and possibly dangerous situation he was presently in, due to a neighbor who had just yesterday, unexpectedly stabbed another neighbor.

After listening,  and him loading the water bottles into my car, as he turned to return to the store, I simply asked, Could I pray for you?  He responded, Yes, and I placed my hand on his shoulder and spent the next minute or so praying for peace and protection, addressing the details of his concerns with the Lord.  When I finished he thanked me and said, Thank you, I needed that today.

This opportunity turned out to be a blessing for both of us.  In this case, both taking the risk to ask his permission to pray, as well as taking the time to do so were both motivated from my commitment to watch and participate in these random acts of kindness.

His hands and His feet, to hold and to lead,

His mouth and His ears, to listen and speak.

His Touch and His Word, to those who have need,

Bringing healing and love from Heaven above.

I am finding that each day I have numerous opportunities to extend kindness and put others first, if I purpose to do so, becoming God’s hands and feet, His words and ears, depending on who crosses my path.  Ministering in this fashion is easy and spontaneous, only requiring a willing heart.

Why don’t you think about joining me in this challenge today? I can assure you the he rewards  far outweigh the sacrifice, and the Lord will be smiling down on you saying, Well done, good and faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of your master.

To assist, encourage and give support to the needy,

Ministry, provision, spiritual food, natural feeding.

Brings blessings to us, in return as we give,

This ministry of caring, as long as we live.

-Poem, Care and Prayer

-The Quilted Poetess


Jesus Wept

July 30, 2010

And after she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary aside. The Teacher is here, she said, and is asking for you.  When Mary heard this she got up quickly and went to Him.  When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet and said, Lord, if you had been here, my bother would not have died. When Jesus saw her weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.  Where have you laid him?  He asked.  Come and see, Lord, they replied.  Jesus wept.  John 11:28-29, 32-35

I love this section of the story, because it shows us how the Lord deals with our pain.  Mary was vulnerable, open and honest with her emotional struggle. When Jesus saw her weeping, He was deeply moved in  spirit and troubled to the point that He Himself, actually wept.  He did not take the opportunity to reprove her for not “seeing in faith,” or “believing in faith,” or “acting in faith,” but met her exactly where she was.

Oh how He loved her, and oh how He loves you and me.   In Psalms 34:18, the Bible says, The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. At that point in the story, Mary was crushed in spirit.  Jesus in His all-knowing and all-caring nature, KNEW exactly how to minister to her in that moment.  Here we see an example of Jesus heart tailoring His response to Mary’s need.  

Previously, in Jesus’ discourse with Martha, He had handled her frustration and confusion in a much different fashion. As Martha questioned Jesus about the loss of her brother Lazarus,  stating the very same thing to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here, my bother would not have died,  instead of weeping, He had chosen to speak revelation and wisdom to her spirit to encourage and reactivate her faith. This was probably because she was not crushed in spirit. 

On the other hand, in Mary’s case,  He felt her pain, identified with it, and expressed His sorrow through tears.  He chose to engage with her and meet her need in the moment, although He knew the eventual outcome of what was causing her pain would turn around, and call for an immense time of rejoicing.  In both instances, His response was determined by their response, and at that moment, this was exactly what Mary needed.

In the book of Hebrews is encourages us to come boldly to the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace in our time of need. What is your need today? Is there anything in your life you are struggling with that the Lord wants to comfort you in?  Are you in a stage of the fulfillment of a promise that presently looks bleak and dismal?  If so, I invite you to take some quiet time to come unto Jesus and sit at His feet.  Take the liberty to get in touch with your pain and heartache and express it to Him. Allow your emotions to surface.  I know He will meet you right where you, are as He did with Mary in her time of need.

-The Quilted Poetess 

Who Do You Say I Am?

July 29, 2010

Jesus said to her, Your brother will rise again.  Martha answered, I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.  Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me will live, even thought he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?  Yes, Lord, she told Him, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world. John 11:24-27

Just as Jesus asked Martha, Do you believe this? He asks of us in those time of trouble and travail, Who do you say that I am?  In answering that question a few things come to mind. In the book of James it states, Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and in the book of Proverbs, Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.

When faced with what appears to be a completely hopeless situation, what we say can and will either produce life of death in us.  Words have power and our words can be the very thing that define our reality. With this said, let’s also look at the deeper question, Where do our words come from?  As mentioned in Proverbs 4:23, words are birthed from our thoughts, which arise from our beliefs and the issues of our heart. That is why the Lord reminds us to guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of them flow either wellspring of life or death.  Life will flow if our heart if filled with faith and truth; but if our heart is polluted with doubt, frustration and fear, death will be the result, both evidenced through the words that flow out of our mouth. 

Yesterday, on the billboard at the Presbyterian Church I read the following, Patience is waiting on God’s timing. In this story in John 11, this is oh so true.  God had a perfect timing involved and purpose in His perfect timing, and as circumstances grew worse, even to the point of the death and burial of Lazarus, Mary and Martha were being tested in being patient in God’s timing. 

Following that train of thought, the next question that would arise is, What do we do while we are trying to patiently wait on God’s timing?  Do we fret, become discouraged, give up, or do we strengthen ourselves in the Lord?  At such times reminding ourselves at it says in John 15, that Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches; if at those time we choose to abide in Him, He says we will bear much fruit.  Patience is a fruit of the spiritual vine, and we cannot produce it in our own strength, but as we wait upon the Lord through prayer, the reading of His Word, worship, surrender, etc., we position ourselves for Him to renew our strength and  to develop in us more patience.

As with Martha, our eyes then can be opened and we can receive what Ephesians 1:17 says, A spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The when He asks, Who do you say that I am,? we can answer most assuredly, My Prince of Peace, My Protector and Strong Tower, My Ever Present Help in Times of Trouble, The Great I AM, The Faithful and True One and The Resurrection and The Life, as Martha did.

Jesus IS the only WAY, the only TRUTH and the only LIFE in any circumstance you are facing.  His names are endless, because who He is for us is endless!  Who do you say He is today?

-The Quilted Poetess

For Those Who Turn and Believe

July 28, 2010

When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet Him, but Mary stayed home.  “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died.” John 11:20-21 In this section of the story from yesterday’s blog, I would like to highlight 2 more important points. First of all, in the midst Lazarus’ death and Martha’s deep sense of grief and despair due to the loss of her brother (which appeared to be unanswered prayer)  she made the choice to Go and meet with Jesus, while Mary (whom I believe we all would have expected to be the more likely one to do so) stayed home.

Martha did not let her devastating circumstance paralyze her, but instead, went back to the One who gave her the Promise reminding Him, If You had been here, my brother would not have died. In other words, Where were You to do what You have promised?   Instead, she could have followed Mary’s example and stayed home thinking such things as, Lazarus is dead and now there is nothing Jesus can do, so why even go?  Or, Why did I ever believe Him anyway, He abandoned me and my family in our time of need, so there’s no need to even attempt to talk to Him about it; He obviously really doesn’t care. Or, Did I really hear from God, maybe it was just my imagination?  Or, This must have been God’s will because He allowed it, so I will need to choose to accept the loss of my brother and look for God’s  glory in it.

Well, even though I am not in agreement with first part of the last possibility, (believing God purposely plans tragedy for His glory)  I would agree that in the midst of what looked like a dead-end, was actually for the purpose of God’s glory as Jesus states earlier in John 11: 14, So He told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” God  did have a plan and purpose in allowing Lazarus to die. When Martha made the decision to go and meet with Jesus instead of resigning and discuss the matter, while reminding Him of the truth,  I believe it was the key to her transition from futile thinking into the spirit realm, which led to her declaring,  But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.

When we, like Martha are faced with what appears to be unanswered prayer and we choose to Go and meet with Him to dialogue, share our pain and make declarations once more as to the Who He is and the What He has told us He will do, circumstances can change as we will see they do in this story. They may not turn around overnight, but while we wait,  perseverance, patience, faith, and our part of the co-laboring process are necessary (it’s not called c0-laboring for nothing). Often times it can and does a lot of take hard work on our part to hold on to our faith, wrestle with God, fight off doubt, and WAIT for the precious Promises He’s given us. Our only other choice is to “stay home,” or in other words, give up believing and not move ourselves back into that place of co-laboring, where hope and faith in what we cannot see will carry us through.

Today, I’d like to leave with you the following question: In the midst of your perplexing circumstances, what are you choosing to do? Be reminded that the choice you make will have everything to do with the what you are seeing, feeling and believing.  The fruit of those choices really is a life and death situation. Tomorrow I will be sharing more on the what that Martha saw, because of her choice to go to Jesus and discourse.

Look with expectancy, anticipation, faith,

To the cross and to Jesus, His provision and grace;

On what He has done, for you and for me,

A demonstration of His love, it will meet every need.

-excerpt from Do You See What I See?

-The Quilted Poetess

Ask Again, and It Shall Be Given

July 27, 2010

On His arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for 4 days.  Bethany was less that 2 miles from Jerusalem, and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet Him, but Mary stayed at home.  Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “If You had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give You whatever You ask.”  Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”  John 11:17-23

The unsearchable questions

from beginning of time,

the how and the why

of what looks like a crime.

Can a God who is love

filled with mercy and grace,

allow such a travesty

my heart and mind race?

-excerpt from Unsearchable Questions

Have you ever asked something of God, heard Him sweetly give you a promise of reassurance and then circumstances did not line up with the WHAT you expected to occur?  This was the case with Martha in the story of the sickness and death of her brother.  Previously in verse 4, Jesus had reassured her that this sickness would NOT end in death, but as you just read in verse 17, Lazarus had been in the tomb for 4 days before Jesus’ arrival to Bethany.

Mary had asked, and at this point in the story had not received.   Did this mean that she would not receive;  receive the promise the Lord had given to her?  I am convinced if you would have asked Martha at this point, she would have said no, and explained to you that she just must have misunderstood what she thought Jesus had said, or Jesus had not told her the truth. You see, her circumstances did not line up with the promise of Jesus.  I would agree, they not only looked bleak and dismal, but impossible.

The great news is that our Lord is the Lord of the impossible.  As we read in verse 14, when the disciples asked Jesus about Lazarus, knowing at that point in the story he had physically died,  Jesus told them, Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe.

With us, as with the disciples, when our Lazarus of circumstance that we’ve asked, prayed, received a promise and believed God for, appears to our natural senses, “dead,” we too, can become deeply disillusioned, heartbroken and hopeless, as Martha was when discoursing with Jesus; but as we’ve just read on in the story, she did not give up.  When Jesus finally arrived on the scene, she ASKED AGAIN, and this time, as you read further down in the story, she did receive.  The God of the impossible, faithful and true to His promises, fulfilled all He had promised.  The great news is He too, will do the same thing for each one of us.

Lord, You say in Hebrews that You are the author and the finisher of our faith, so today I pray for myself and all of my readers that You would continue to strengthen our spiritual ability to believe and walk by faith and not by sight in the midst of those impossibilities that we’ve asked, prayed, received and believed You  for.  You are the God of the impossible and nothing is too difficult for You!  I thank You ahead of time for ministering to those who are brokenhearted due to the long wait and disappointing outcomes they’ve experienced thus far.  Renew the fainting, comfort and hurting, strengthen the weak and encourage the fearful.   Discourse lovingly and tenderly with them as you did with Martha with her unsearchable questions regarding what  appears like insurmountable circumstances.  Give them wings to mount up and fly once more above and beyond all obstacles, into the heavenly realms where Your promises are yes and all ours in Christ.

-The Quilted Poetess

Simple Pleasures

July 26, 2010

The Lord has been reminding me as of late to really focus on the enjoyment and appreciation of the simple pleasures in life.  Often times I miss them, as I am looking and waiting for something “BIG” to happen that will be impacting and life changing.  It’s not that He doesn’t bring those things, but during the wait, we often times can miss those small gifts and blessings that surround us, day and day out.

You see, perspective is everything.   Not just what we see with our eyes, but what we are truly appreciating in the midst of each small occurence happening.  For instance, this weekend.  Saturday morning, I awoke kinda groggy, not really in the mood to do much of anything.  So for quite some time on  Saturday, that is exactly what I did, not much of anything,  Breakfast, a write-up on my blog, some light housework, bill paying, some chit-chat with my husband.  Then as the day progressed, I decided to work on small photo project  I needed to prepare for a meeting this upcoming week.  As I began, I decided to grab a piano CD I’d picked up on the coast recently to play as background music.  As I sat in my office and worked, listening to this beautiful man playing, I found myself enjoying what I would call, a simple pleasure.  Hours rolled by as I was energized to move from this project to another unfinished task, and as I worked the atmosphere was filled with melodic melodies that caused my spirit to experience peace, rest, refreshment and a sense of satisfaction. 

Later in the evening, when I returned to family life, making dinner and doing the things I normally do during those hours, I was energized with a feeling of fulfilment I had not experienced in some time. All because of a simple pleasure I had partaken in, quite by accident, not knowing it would feed my soul and bring refreshment to  my spirit.

Taking quiet time out of my week to do what I would consider mindless activity set to music was just what Dr. Jesus ordered.  After a good night’s sleep, Sunday morning, I awoke bright and early before the sun rose, had my quiet time and was off for an early morning bike ride before church, filled with energy and renewed enthusiasm,  because I allowed myself to take the time to unwind  and be still to the simple pleasures that were surrounding me.

Without going into detail, Sunday turned out to be exactly the same kind of day; one filled with simple, quiet, unexpected pleasures that blessed me immensely.  Lord, I thank you that Your presence and grace is not only found in the Big and the Beautiful, but in the Small and  Simple.  I often miss the unexpected blessings that await me, because I don’t slow down and stop and smell the roses.  Please remind me to relax and rest more often so I can enjoy the not so obvious surprises of pleasure you have just awaiting me.

Your Handmaiden

In the end, those things that affect your life most deeply are too simple to talk about.  Nell Blaine

-The Quilted Poetess

Gate of Thanksgiving

July 25, 2010

Today, the Lord’s Day, I was up and awake before the dawn.  As I sat in my prayer chair reading a small devotional by Graham Cooke called, The Nature of  God, I was encouraged to write a psalm of Thanksgiving.  This idea has been on my mind for quite some time. 

Recently, while taking walks at the ocean, I was reminded of the simple pleasures I am blessed with daily that I don’t even think about.  They have become such common day experiences for me, I kinda just expect them and not often enough, stop and reflect with thanksgiving on the blessing they are in enhancing both the quality and comfort of my life.

Things such as a cool breeze on my cheek, a sunrise to begin my day, air conditioning in the hot, heated days in Redding, clean air to breathe, fresh ice-cold water to drink, a body that is healthy and can walk and move quite easily to enjoy my surroundings.

Another area I seem to just “take for granted” at times are the relationships I have.  It is the tremendous blessing to have both a husband who adores and provides for me, and two healthy grown-up kids, who also appreciate and love me.  Quality time and the affection of both family and friends is another huge gift I relish.

The comfort of a “comfort”able home to live and dwell, a “comfort”able car to drive,  “comfort”able chairs to sit in, a “comfort”able bed to sleep in reminds me that my God of comfort, lavishes me with comfort in many ways.

The list could go on and on and on an on…………………………..but as I close, I know without a doubt the thing I am most thankful for is my relationship with Him.  Lord, You are more special to me than simple pleasures, more special to me than any relationship I cherish, and more comforting to me than any of the “comforts” you bless my life with.  You are my bread of life that nourishes my soul, my living well that refreshes me so, the Lover and Friend, when life takes its toll, and my Healer and Deliverer that makes my life whole.  Today, I enter the gate of Your presence with thanksgiving in my heart.  It is soft, pliable and my mind and spirit are reflecting on the ALL You are and the ALL that You give to me, morning by morning. GREAT is Your Faithfulness!

-The Quilted Poetess

Believe and You Shall See the Glory of God

July 24, 2010

The past few days I’ve been writing about the importance of both hearing and seeing from God’s perspective through the ears and eyes of faith.  Today I’d like to give attention to the 2nd step of the process of faith; belief.  First, we hear and perceive, next, we make the choice whether to believe.  Sometimes that choice is easy, but sometimes much more challenging, depending on what it is we are believing for.

In Hebrews 11:1 is states,  Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  In other words, our faith is often in something that the Lord reveals to us that has not yet materialized in our life.  To believe in what has not yet occurred requires faith,  not faith in ourselves, others, or our circumstances, but faith in the Him and His promise to us.

As I’ve mentioned, it can take time to see the promises He has given us come to fruition. Not only that, but outward circumstances can appear to be completely contradictory to what we are believing in. This can allow doubt to creep in if we let it.  It is especially important at those moments to hold fast, as Abraham did to the promise of God for a son, and not waiver in unbelief, no matter what is currently happening in our circumstances. 

If you have a Bible handy you might want to take a moment and read John 11 before continuing, to familiarize yourself with the story I’ll be expounding upon. When Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus about their sick brother Lazarus,  Jesus said, This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory that God’s Son may be glorified through it.  But as you continue to read on, you will find that their circumstances actually grew worse before they got better.  You see, Jesus took an additional 2 days to arrive on the scene, and during the interim, Lazarus had died and been buried.  Jesus did have purpose and reason for the WAIT of the fulfillment of His promise as He said to them, Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there so that you may believe. 

 He too can have a purpose in the WAIT of the fulfillment of the promises He gives to us.  Isaiah 55 it reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways, to bring us comfort during the WAIT when circumstances don’t appear to be lining up. During those times, our part is to trust and believe, no matter what we see or experience. He loves us and we can trust Him.  He will make all things work for good and will work according to His good purposes.  In due time if we don’t faint, we will see the Glory of God. This pleases God.  It is actually a sweet aroma and offering that fills Him with delight and pleasure.

Is there something today you have been trusting Him for that you’ve been waiting a long time to come to pass?  Has your faith waivered and doubt tried to enter and rob you of the hope of the fulfillment of that precious promise from your Daddy God?  If this is the case, I encourage you to take some time reminding yourself of those personal words He’s tenderly spoken to you, then move your heart back to that sweet place of belief where you will receive a fresh infilling of hope to infuse and empower you anew. 

 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13

May All Your Dreams Come True!

-The Quilted Poetess

Do You See What I See?

July 23, 2010

Look, glance and gaze, turn your focus unto Jesus,

From you and yourself, your ache or your pain; 

And when you choose to, His presence will come,

To both dazzle and shine, so brilliantly through;

Whatever the problem that may be troubling you.

-excerpt from Do You See What I See?

As Grace Wilson says, Through the eyes of faith, we will see the dawn.  Although we see through the lense of reason with our minds, we  actually see through the lense of faith with our spiritual eyes. The eyes of faith discernn God’s light that not only brightens our path to give direction, but also brightens our heart bringing with it as a byproduct a sense of quiet, calm assurance.

When conforming our thoughts to those of this world, we actually come to our understanding through our natural sense of sight, but when our thoughts are transformed by the renewing of our minds in His Word, it is only then we begin to perceive through our spiritual eyesight. As I have mentioned, the evidence will bring not only wisdom from above, but an anticipation  of  hope for the struggle we might be facing because  focusing on our circumstances through this filter of faith quickly reminds us that He is faithful and on our side to lead, instruct, comfort, encourage  and equip. This reassures us that He will both be and give us the ALL we need to handle the anything we are facing.

Are you presently facing giants or obstacles?  Are you facing fear or impossibilities?   Remember your eyes of faith will see that He is greater and more powerful, and that nothing is too difficult for Him.  Your eyes of faith will see that you can do everything through Christ who strengthens you, and  that when you are weak, He is strong.  Your eyes of faith will see that He has not given you a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound  mind. These truths in turn will usher you into a realm of freedom bringing with them the fruit of deliverance to lose you from any lies or strongholds  that would want to discourage and bind.  

I would also like to mention that faith is multifaceted, and seeing with the eyes of faith is actually only the beginning. As I’ve explained, although we begin the process this way, the next step occurs when through an act of our will we choose to believe in faith the what we have just been shown. Then lastly, when we choose to act in faith on the what we are believing as Mary and Martha did in John 11, we will experience the resurrection from our Lazarus of circumstance, and see the glory to God. Isn’t it wonderful that the Word of God is filled with amazing and life empowering promises that can be apprehended and activated through this threefold process? God has his part, we have ours. 

So look unto Jesus and believe He will do,

More that you can imagine, you could ever ask Him to.

Lord, today I choose to draw close, closing my natural eyes, and as I do, opening my spiritual gaze onto You and Your promises and the light of Your truth.  I surrender and relinquish my own understanding, fears, agendas and come; come and sit at Your feet and RECEIVE.  Receive Your comforting, encouraging touch through Your words of life!  I, like Mary and Martha choose to believe l will SEE the Glory of God!

-The Quilted Poetess


Morning Has Broken

July 22, 2010

The first light of dawn is awakening and shades or orange and red are slowly emerging on the horizon.  The once darkened sky is opening its eyes to the new day that is arriving.  As I peer outdoors, I can see the silhouettes of trees, mountains, and surrounding homes emerging in the distance.  As the sun continues to dawn, they are taking shape and becoming vivid, defined and three-dimensional before my eyes.  My ears are also beginning to hear the early morning sounds of bird’s chirping as they awaken from a good night’s sleep.

As morning has broken, a new day awaits. A day filled with potential and possibility.  A day for activity and accomplishment.  But the question is of what?  At this point it is unchartered.  Oh yes, I  might have some plans in mind, but the first question that arises as the sun is arising to give form and substance to the natural world around me is………….. what is on the mind of the Son of God for my day?  What are His plans that will ultimately direct my steps?

In order to answer that question, I must turn my spiritual gaze from the darkness of my own understanding to the internal world of His presence.  As I do, His Word becomes the lamp to light the path for my feet to follow. Because I have just awakened from quieting myself through a good night’s sleep, I am still and open to receive or should I say, perceive His voice speaking to me. 

As I pick up His Word and open the pages, the His truth begins to unveil and enlighten my spiritual eyes. At first glance is creates an inward focus to the subtleties of the movement of His Spirit upon mine, slowly bringing more specific definition. My thoughts and perspective for future action are beginning to take shape.

Now, my Spirit is awake and I am moving forward with both the eyes and heart of faith, not by natural inclination or sight. My Spirit is being quickened to the clues His Spirit is bringing to my attention.  Although I can sense the WHAT’s of what appears to be my course for the day, as I read His Word, and as He ministers His truth and promises to me, they supersede my own understanding and begin to chart my course and order my steps.  

The Word of God becomes like a gold mine I am exploring, filled with nuggets and precious promises of truth and wisdom that as I excavate  become  a compass to lead and reveal to me the end from the beginning.  His Living Word also imparts an infilling of all I will need to accomplish it’s plan, including such things as strength, comfort, love and grace, equipping me to move forward, whether the path be smooth, or the terrain appear laden with potential land mines. The Living Word both instructs and empowers. 

Thank you Lord that You are so faithful to speak, and charter my unchartered territories. In faith, I know I can fully trust you to not only show me the way, but to enable me to accomplish all that You have planned and purposed.  I choose today to come, sit, wait, pray, watch, listen, and walk; walk forward into the destiny of the future that awaits.

-The Quilted Poetess