Posted tagged ‘temptations’

My Everything

December 20, 2012

God promises us in His Word that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He also reminds us in 2 Corinthians that when we are weak, He is strong, and that His grace is always sufficient for our needs.  Hallelujah! We are not alone in this thing called, life. Christ is in Us, infusing us, energizing us, and gracing us for all we will face in life.

As Jesus was led into the desert and tempted by evil~ we also will face temptations throughout our life.  Temptations to find our need met through someone or something besides the True Lover and Provider of our soul. Temptation to build our identity through our own accomplishments, or what others think about us. Temptations to believe lies and threats that are shot like arrows from the depths of hell itself to pierce our faith and trust in the Holy One.

In this world, Jesus also reminds us we will have tribulations, losses, disappointments and hardships. But He also promises that He will make a way of escape for us in the midst of them.  That way is through Him. When we choose to turn to Him, His grace will infuse us with all we need to survive and ultimately thrive in the midst of any hardship. As we do, He slowly renews our minds and empowers us with truth that heals, strengthens and releases us from the captivity of whatever we are being held by.

But in order for this process to work, we, as Jesus did in His desert experience, need to choose to turn to Him~ to His Truth and Presence.  As we do, He will lead us to victory and give show us the road to recovery and back to life.  He is always the Way, the Truth and the Life, so with this Promise there is nothing that can ultimately destroy us.

Choose with me  today to strengthen yourself anew in the Lord.  As of late, the journey  of life I know has been shockingly treacherous for all of us, but because I know that my Redeemer lives, and He lives forIMG_0227 me and for you…………I can not only face tomorrow, but  can face it with hope, casting all my cares and concerns on Him.

Thank you Jesus for being EVERYTHING we will ever need!

~The Quilted Poetess