Posted tagged ‘time’

Something Worth Waiting For

December 12, 2012

When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son.

~ Galatians 4:4

When I was a little girl time seemed to tick SO slow. A 24-hour period seemed like, well, forever!  The wait for each special occasion I would so excitedly anticipate, did just that~ take forever.  And today, although time seems to be moving so much quicker (sometimes at my chagrin), those promises I am still awaiting can feel like they are taking forever.

How about you? How’s the wait game going for you? Are there promises, hopes and dreams you are still awaiting? Or has the wait been so long you’ve given up, and instead of anticipating their fulfillment, you’ve become apathetic~ loosing your enthusiasm and hope for their birth and arrival?

The advent of Christ was just that, a long wait. That monumental event that was prophesied by Isaiah so many centuries ago, alas, was realized that glorious star-lit evening in a tiny remote village named Bethlehem.  But on that glorious night~the wait was over. The Savior was born. Prophesy was fulfilled~Emmanuel, God was now with us in the flesh; a living breathing human being. He was like us~but so much more.

The wait was over. Or was it?  Jesus came, He lived, He died and He rose fulfilling His earthly calling. But now what? Now we are actually awaiting again His glorious return. HIs return for us, The Bride of Christ.  Not coming again as a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, but riding in on a majestic white horse, arrayed in splendor as our Beloved Groom. We are all now awaiting our Betrothal of Holy Matrimony.

Now THISImage something worth waiting for. As He has promised, He will return……for Us, HIs precious, treasured Bride and He will make everything beautiful in the fullness of time!

~The Quilted Poetess