Posted tagged ‘timing’


December 21, 2012

Jesus says in John 11:4, Believe and you will see the glory of God!  The circumstances at the time of His comment were bleak indeed.  Lazarus had died.  After prophesying this word of faith, Jesus WAITED 4 days to go.  To go to preform the fulfillment of His declaration.  In the meantime, Lazarus has not only died, but been buried.  His sister, Mary and Martha were devastated.  In the natural, all they could see was that it was over and too late for a miracle.  Jesus had not intervened and Lazarus was gone, but, that was not the end of the story.  When Jesus arrived He spoke Words of life to Lazarus and commanded Him to come forth!  And He miraculously did!

Believe and you shall see the glory of God! Just as with Lazarus, we too face circumstances that look not only bleak, but just plain impossible. Thank you Lord that nothing is impossible with You!  Thank you for the example of Lazarus’s resurrection life experience to remind us that you too, can enter our world and change things; that You can and do change the impossible.

You did that for me in Montana when I was diagnosed with a life-threatening auto immune disease they said I would never recover from. And I did!  I now test negative from something that in medical eyes is impossible.  Thank you Jesus!  I believed you and I saw the glory of God!

Timing.  Timing can be everything. As you also say in Your Word, You make all things beautiful in their time. In the fullness of time, Jesus came.  In your perfect timing, Elizabeth and Zechariah gave birth to John the Baptist so he could fulfill his calling and prepare the way of the Lord.  What seems like a LONG wait to us, in your economy is just a twinkling of an eye.

Your part is to do the impossible.  Our part is to believe, no matter what our circumstance, even when things don’t turn out like we hoped or planned; continue to believe. Believe in You.  Believe in all things working out for good. Believe that was satan means for harm, You will use for good for the saving of many lives. In the full spectrum of eternity we can trust that You have everything under control, and in the meantime, we can believe in You and believe You will make all things beautiful in Your time.

~The Quilted Poetess
